TTS Report
The learning time began in June 2023 at the PGA Golf Academy, Lahore Garrison Greens Golf Club when Punjab Golf Association (PGA) commenced its Summer Camp Golf Activity for selected juniors.
The camp was conducted under the coaching team comprising of M Matloob, an accomplished golf professional and a golf coach of standing, backed by his trained team members Zahid Sultan, Maj Zain ur Rehman, Usman Ali, Muhammed Saqib and Nadeem Aslam. The members of the coaching camp numbered 28 and included 14 boys with good golf skills, eight boys with intermediate skills and six girls with a combination of good and intermediate skills.
Training sessions spread over eight weeks were regular and passionate indeed was the response of the trainees and they demonstrated purposeful resolve and unwavering intent in acquisition of basics of the game taught by proficient trainers. And their skills came to light in the course of the two days PGA Juniors Golf Competition that was held at Lahore Garrison Course over the past two days. For most of them this was the first competition of their golfing life, and they proved how well they had devoted their energies and grasped the technical skills necessary for furthering their golfing lives.
The top performer in the age bracket under 19 was Shamir Majid of American School of Academics who played admirably well, hitting his tee shots with stirring precision and avoiding any major blemish or error. Noticeable was his confidence and at no stage in the competition did he appear nervous or edgy.
His steadiness helped him to capture the first gross position with a score of gross 74, a commendable effort indeed. Other performers in this age category were Ahmed Ibrahim (Lahore Grammer School) and Muhammad Ibrahim (Beaconhouse School). Ahmed Ibrahim emerged as winner of second gross position with a gross score of 76 while third gross position was secured by Muhammed Abdullah.
This talented and perhaps the fittest one had a score of gross 77. Others who appeared young ones of enormous talent were Saim Tahir and Jamshed Matloob. They did not achieve top positions, but they overawed the coaches with their playing capabilities.
The luminous one in age bracket under 14 was Zaid Umer (LGG). During the contest Zaid Umer excelled through superior play which yielded a winning score for him. With a round of gross 78 he won the first gross position. His nearest adversary was Mashkoor Hussain, who was successful in ending up as runner up, his score being gross 89. The third gross was won by Wahaj Amjad with a score of gross 97.
Top performer in girls’ category was Bushra Fatima (Lahore American School) while second position holder was Hadia Usma (LGG) and Adeena Ataullah (Lahore American School) was third gross. The net section performers were Aliha Amjad, first net, Ayezah Amin, second net, and Areej Atif, third net.
Based on the intent of the PGA Team, each participant was awarded a certificate of participation plus a Participation reward of Rs 15,000 which represented an enchanting happening for the kids. And the Vice President of Punjab Golf Association, Col Raja Asif Mehdi and Kashif Bhatti, General Manager awarded prizes to the trainee children of golf who hopefully will become national flag bearers. It was announced by Raja Asif Mehdi that PGA will reach out to schools for popularizing golf and alluring young ones to the game.